Keep communication lines open…

Folks, please keep the communication lines open between you and your spouse (or potential spouse) at every point in time. They should have the assurance that, when needed, you will be there to listen, advice, correct, and talk, as required. And they should trust that you will do it all in love.
If they are hurting or frustrated with whatever they may be going through, they should have a shoulder to lean on in you. When an individual feels like he or she cannot freely speak to the one person that should be their ultimate support system on earth, they often either withdraw or find comfort in someone else and the consequences of that, are costly.
The bond between a husband and wife will not develop just because you’re married; it requires a deliberate effort. There are many couples who have been married for years upon years but still behave like strangers and respond awkwardly to each other because length of time doesn’t automatically make two people close. It’s how they manage the relationship that determines what they experience.
If you don’t understand each other, or perhaps you disagree on some points, don’t let that hinder the closeness or bond you should have in your relationship. Don’t be rigid, don’t be a killjoy, don’t be a gloomy person. Life (and marriage) is meant to be enjoyed to the fullest!!
Be willing to settle your differences quickly and wisely so nothing interferes with your peace. Whatever you do, keep the lines open, with each person having free access to the other. When the communication lines are open, each person can freely express themselves and that always leads to an extremely fulfilling marital experience. Get godly counseling if you need it. Wishing you God’s best in your marriage and family life! Cheers…