Single folks…

Single folks, God wants to use you to accomplish amazing feats that would point others to Him, but you have something to do. You have to consciously get rid of some weights in the form of bad habits, negative traits, and destructive behaviors that are weighing you down and making you unfit for His use.
Anything that is affecting your spiritual growth is for the trashcan! You may be wondering why this is important for you and how it is needful for your journey to “I Do”. Well, remember it is the quality of the individual that determines the quality of the marriage. And as stated on Day 1, YOU are the instrument God will use to build a beautiful home.
Cleansing your life and focusing on Him is what will make you useful in His hands now, and ultimately in your marriage. – From On The Road to I Do, an e-resource I compiled for single ladies and gentlemen. If you haven’t read it yet and would like to, click on the ‘Resources’ link and download it! Cheers..