Resolve issues with wisdom…

Folks, the way to solve an issue in any relationship or marriage is not by ignoring it, sweeping it under the rug or brushing it off. It is by tackling it head on, no matter how uncomfortable or unpleasant it may be for you. Its far better to put a matter to rest once and for all than to keep bringing it up every so often. That will not only be draining and frustrating, it can divide you and your spouse further.
Sit down and talk about issues of concern in your relationship and be respectful with each other when you do. Learn to see things from each other’s perspective; your way is not the only way! Learn to have conversations and discussions without yelling at each other or insulting each other. Remember that every word you speak should edify and uplift especially as a Christian.
Things always work together when we get along with each other. Work together, using the wisdom of God, to bring out the best in your family life, despite your differences. It’s 100% possible once each person is willing to lay aside their ego, compromise and reach a solution! When you begin to get defensive and shut down the discussion, it hasn’t been resolved; that issue will still rear its ugly head in the future.
You can’t build and maintain your relationship or family without unity. Things will not change for the better just because we desire them to. Our desire is one thing but our actions also determine if the change we desire does indeed become a reality. Be willing to put in the work! Don’t let anything rob you of a peaceful and fulfilling family life.
If you believe things are not working as they ought to in your home, please seek godly counseling. Single folks, please do the same. Don’t get married carelessly!Wishing you God’s best in your marriage and family life! Cheers…