Praying for you…

I’m always so grateful for a marriage where I’m pushed to dream dreams and work hard at bringing them to life. I’m grateful for a support system in my husband who continues to polish me up so I can shine so bright.

Grateful to him for encouraging me to explore all the different talents God has put in me, and also for joining me in doing so despite his demanding schedule. Grateful to him for allowing God to use him so mightily in my life. I am so so grateful! Marriage has exceeded my expectations and God gets all the glory for it! From the depth of my heart, I wish you the same and much more!
I pray that your experience in marriage is even greater! If you’re single, I pray that your choice of a spouse will be as led by the spirt of the Lord.

Praying that as a man, you don’t see your wife as your competition but as a reflection of you. May you rise up to nurturing and helping her become all God has called her to be – within and outside your home. May you treat her as you should so your prayers are not hindered. May you always depend on God for guidance/direction in your life/family.

Praying that as a woman, you aren’t troublesome. You won’t be the foolish woman who tears her house down with her own hands. May you be a prayerful woman, deliberately connecting your heart to God’s and always seeking Him first about EVERY matter. May you marry a man who sees you as a valuable asset in his life and to the world.

Praying that you find a way to balance and succeed in all your assignments from being a wife, a mother, career woman, businesswoman, etc. May you also be sensitive to the different seasons of your life and maximize them (such as when you may need to focus more on your children).

I pray God gives you His best; and that you also work hard at becoming the best husband or wife you can be… without making excuses. I pray that your children find comfort in your home. I deeply pray that you (and your spouse) are mindful of the company you keep/listen to. The wrong relationships can destroy a home!

Please keep striving for progress, not perfection and as always, seek for help if you need it! Cheers…